Tag: wild flowers

Buddleia with Butte..

In my own garden, a red admiral butterfly on a buddleia flower

Fuschia 2353

One of Ireland's most popular wild flowers.

Loose Strife and Be..

Growing wild in West Kerry.

Daisies and Bee 385..

Large wild daisies and bee.

Wild Rose 2527

A white wild rose, on the road side, Ventry, Dingle Peninsula.

Wild Orchid 4548

Tiny wild orchid growing in the dunes of Ventry Beach, DIngle Peninsula.

Queen Anne's Lace 3..

Queen Anne's Lace growing by the road side near Ventry, Dingle Peninsula. I beli..

Valerian 4022

Growing by the roadside near Ventry on the Dingle Peninsula.

Wild Flower 3006

No name for this yet, I would be happy to be informed?

Violas 3010

Violas, tiny flowers, growing by the road, on the Dingle Peninsula.

Buttercup 2763

Growing wild in a West Kerry garden.

Chamomile 3127

Growing beside Murioch Beach

Red Clover 2828

Growing wild in a garden, on the Dingle Peninsula.

Chamomile 3207

Growing next to Murioch Beach, on the Dingle Peninsula.

Dandelion Seed Head..

Growing wild in a garden.

Cuckoo Flower 2780

Growing in a field on the Dingle Peninsula.

Bluebells 2660

Bluebells, growing wild by the roadside, in the Dingle Peninsula

Primroses 2507

Wild primroses in a field.

Loosestrife 9231

Loosestrife, very common in Ireland, a beautiful flower when seen in profusion. ..

Meadow Sweet 9219

Meadow Sweet, a tall and beautiful scented wild flower, very common in fallow fi..

Andros 37

A church on the side of a terraced mountain in Andros, with wild flowers in the ..

Andros 36

A remnant of an old stone house stands in this landscape on Andros.

Andros 32

Rural landscape.

Andros 28

Colourful shrubs in the landscape of Andros.

Andros 25

Mountain landscape.

Andros 24

Andros landscape with colourful wild flowers and ripe grasses rocking in the bre..

Andros 10

Rural landscape.

High Atlas 25

Yellow flowers in the High Atlas landscape.

Wild Flowers in a C..

Down a country lane in Ballyferriter, with beautiful wild flowers.

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